Saturday, March 26, 2011

Heavenly Baklava

This one is my all time favorites. When I was a kid, I remember on special occasions like parties or Thanksgiving my father would be preparing his signature baklava. I would always sneak into the kitchen to eat the pieces which weren't pretty enough to go on the tray. If you've had other baklava and say that you don't like baklava, I beg you to give these a chance. I get turned off my the baklava that's soaked in syrup, soggy and overpowered with rosewater or spices. This baklava is crispy, light, sweet but not overpowering sweet, and a feast for the eye and mouth. Most baklava contains all walnuts; our recipe has a mixture of hazelnuts and walnuts. The hazelnuts add a superb nutty and rich flavor. Each piece is $0.75. Give these to your friends, and they'll be begging you to know where you got them!

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